Our Calendar

“this was a fabulous event and the music presentation was absolutely amazing.” – RW

Wendy Amsellem

Responding to a Culture of Mendacity. Jacob and Lavan are both masters of deceit. Rachel and Leah are affected. How can their story help us navigate mendacity in our times? […]

Avi West

Avi will explore parshat Chaye Sarah (the life of Sarah) with a touch of talmud. Zoom link.

Friday Night at the Jewish Studio

Another Zoomin’ Friday Night with your friends at the Jewish Studio. Just like we always do – services, dinner and a speaker. Only this time we’ll meet on Zoom and […]

Touch of Talmud

Why is Talmud relevant to your life today? We will take a topical approach, using the highlights of Talmud, to explore the enduring relevance of this masterwork of philosophy, theology, […]

Lament and Hope

Under the tent at the Bender JCC we will chant chapters from Eicha, the book of lamentations together as a community with a mourner’s kaddish and prayers appropriate for the […]

Not a Service Shabbat

Join us for candle lighting, wine, challah and a bit of schmooze. A socially distant but spiritually uplifting shabbat eve. Zoom in.

Summer’s Here Shabbat

The longest shabbat of the year – summer solstice is here! So open up the screen. It is our Studio Shabbes scene. Zoom in here.