Entries by R' Evan Krame

Holy Deception!

I remember when we learned that our nation’s leader mischaracterized the severity of Covid-19. He justified the deception by citing the need to preserve calm and safeguard the economy. Some […]

Moving Past Anger

Election fever is upon us. There is no aspirin to reduce temperature. The infections of partisanship and arrogance have long festered and are likely to persist. Are we going to […]

Drunk History

The first time I was drunk was at a New Year’s Eve party. In the spirit of the celebration, I imbibed a few too many Harvey Wallbangers.  (For those under […]

Losing My Religion?

Before Covid, Judaism had begun to crumble. With Covid, the house is caving in. We can’t just plan to redecorate while the building is falling. We must both restore the […]