Entries by R' Evan Krame

Parenting a Parent?

As people live longer there may come a time when the adult child will assume the role of a parent’s caretaker. For this role reversal to be successful, parent and […]

My life in two words

Pick two words to describe your life.  Try to do it quickly without much thought.  What words came to mind? This important exercise comes to us courtesy of the Torah. […]

The Torah of Snark

The fine art of snarkiness has ancient roots. Take a look at the Torah portion, Miketz. I think I found there a Torah of snark. There is a time of […]

Toxic Sexuality

The sexually aggressive woman as archetype makes a debut in the Torah this week.  She begs, pleads and cajoles her putative lover. By contrast the virtuous male, refuses and refuses […]

Dream a Little Dream of Me

Which biblical character do you most resemble? Sounds like one of those Internet quizzes that pop up on your Facebook feed. Yet, I’ve given this some thought, as one biblical […]


Season two of Succession on HBO, pitted four scions of a billionaire against one another. Three of the siblings are vying for their father’s anointment as the successor CEO; the […]

And still I rise

Some Jewish rituals rebalance our lives. These practices are often directional, completing an upward motion. The act of rising is symbolic of our dedication to the potentiality of an evolving […]

What’s so funny?

Showing emotions may be dangerous business. Yet, bottling up our emotions is toxic to our well-being. The key is figuring out when and where to let our feelings show. We […]

We are on the move

If there were demographic studies in the year 2200 BCE, the Jewish population would have been considered untethered geographically but connected spiritually.  Then a white paper study would have been […]

When at Sea

When your world seems to be covered in water, what is the landscape of life? When you feel like you are unmoored, what is your course direction? These questions are […]