
Seventh Night Seder Pdf


Working Together Works

Working Together WorksRabbi Evan J. Krame, March 9, 2025There is a story of a young child working in the field of a family farm with their father, moving stones to clear the land for planting. The child attempts to move a stone far too…

Standing in the Shoes of Civil Rights Witnesses

https://www.shalomdc.org/standing-in-the-shoes-of-civil-rights-witnesses/?ct=t(EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_8_26_2023_22_19_COPY_89)&mc_cid=eebc2e8827&mc_eid=52b8cc1382There is something haunting about a pair of empty shoes, especially children’s…

The Height of Absurdity

Monty Python remains one of my favorite sources of comic relief. They find humor in absurdity. Python’s comedy is rooted in a futile search for significance in an incomprehensible universe. Have you seen their movie “The Meaning of Life,”…

Moral Turbulence

There’s a TED talk that begins with a story—a tale of a transatlantic flight, where a couple heads to a vacation in Scandinavia. Suddenly, turbulence strikes! The plane dips and sways, and from the back, a band of teens erupts in joyful…

Connectivity: God or the Internet?

In the pandemic years, we witnessed significant changes in how Jews gather to pray. It has been most evident in how we utilize television and live streaming to pray from the comfort of our homes. One notable example is the Central Synagogue's…

Forgive Yourself Too

Today, as we gather on this sacred day of Yom Kippur, we come together to reflect on the profound theme of forgiveness. It is a day when we focus on seeking forgiveness from God and from those we may have wronged. We examine our actions and…

Your Sacrifice

The key concept of Rosh Hashanah may be the willingness to sacrifice. What do you have that you would sacrifice? What are you willing to sacrifice? Money, Time, Individualism? For whom are you ready to sacrifice? For your family, your community,…


Dear fellow clergy, distinguished guests, my neighbors,Today, I want to reflect on how we, as a community, Christian and Jewish and Muslim, Black and White, all cherish the place called Zion.In our traditions, Zion is a mountain in Jerusalem.…

Seder Topic: the Undemocratic Promised Land

The promise of freedom is at the heart of the Passover seder. Freedom is not merely the liberation from slavery but goes to the quality of our lives. This year, challenges to freedom plague our world and our people. Will your seder stick only…

A Very Narrow Bridge

The morning in Selma, Alabama was extremely foggy. It was hard to see the Alabama river below the bridge into town. We turned off the bridge onto Water Street. Stepping down from the bus, we entered one of the old brick buildings along the waterfront.…