Entries by R' Evan Krame

Take Down the Posts!

I had a radical thought while perusing the Torah readings for this Sukkot holiday. What if the Promised Land for Jews is also the United States? That’s what my great-grandparents […]

The End of Perfection

On Kol Nidre we begin a 25-hour pursuit of a common goal: improvement. We want to be better, we want to do better, and we want a better world. My […]

Trust Someone Under 30

 When I was a child, the popular catch phrase inspired by hippie culture was “don’t trust anyone over thirty.*” I am now more than twice that determinant age. I return […]

It is not about the wine

Israel has become well known for vineyards — not only the wines but also the vineyards themselves. During a recent trip, I was eager to visit an Israeli winery and […]

Stephen Colbert and Me

Anderson Cooper recently interviewed Stephen Colbert for CNN. The two men had a tearful discussion of life’s challenges and the precariousness of human existence. Cooper seemed to still be suffering […]

God Bless RBG

Let’s start our day with a prayer for Ruth Bader Ginsburg. God who is merciful and powerful, bless and keep Ruth Bader Ginsburg strong and healthy for the sake of […]

Disloyal Jew

Sometimes the words we need to say have been written for us. Emma Lazarus wrote the New Colossus in 1883. The loyalty of American Jews has come into question by […]