Entries by Evan Krame

Stops Along the Way

A father rushing to get his children to school on time hurried them into the family van. After crossing through intersections and only seeing green traffic lights, the father relaxed […]

When to Quit

Good leaders know when to quit. George Washington left the presidency, demonstrating the need for an orderly transition of power. In modern times, Nancy Pelosi, the most effective Speaker in […]

Making Fun of Hitler

Nazis have played a prominent role in Mel Brooks’ comedy. His first major film, “The Producers” was a comedy movie about the Nazis. He said that making fun of Hitler […]

Forrest Gump and Me

Mom and I watched the movie Forrest Gump the other morning in her hospital room. I presume that everyone has seen this movie many times. In the middle of the […]

Power Grab

For eight years, an insurrection in our country has brewed and sometimes boiled over. The fire came from elites in our society. Feeding off popular discontent, the wealthy and educated […]

Anti-Zionist Jews

Since the Hebrews wandered Sinai, we were warned not to undervalue our strength. Twelve spies entered Canaan on a reconnaissance mission as a prelude to invading Canaan. Ten returned saying […]

Light Them Up

Watching populist “right-wing” political leaders gain strength across the world, I fear a new age of demagogues has returned. Their skill is directing attention to the shadows and away from […]

The Language of Justice

After January 6, I grieved, outraged, and horrified. Our President encouraged insurrection as if he were calling for justice. There were no statements of remorse. After October 7, I struggled […]


A friend asked for my opinion; “who was the most influential figure of the last century?” Our ensuing conversation squared off around the dichotomy of leaders in times of destruction […]

Recognizing Faces

Here’s some shocking news, Brad Pitt is not perfect. He has a condition known as facial blindness, the inability to recognize faces. I am familiar with the condition. I have […]