Entries by Evan Krame

This One Precious Life

The last twenty-two months have been tough. We are drained, stressed, and scared. Rather than be frozen in fear, ask a forward-looking question. What can we do to improve these […]

Freedom is Fragile

George Takei played Captain Sulu on Star Trek — the helmsman of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Less known is that in 1942 George Takei and his family were forced into an […]

Winter Beet Borscht

Winter Beet Borscht Recipe: Liz Rueven @kosherlikeme 8 generous servings Dairy but may be pareve by using dairy-free sour cream or coconut cream. Supplies: Cutting board and sharp knife, vegetable […]

Jews Invented Psychology

Jews are the pioneers of modern psychology: Freud, Klein, Maslow, Frankl, and Kahneman. Apparently, we create what we need.  Jewish suffering gave rise to psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Yet, examples of […]

Be Proud of Humility

A super-wealthy family battling each other and the world to maintain power and wealth. That is the premise of the HBO show Succession. The series is popular as it reverberates […]

When Life is the Pits

At the intersection of ancient roads heading to Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Syria is the town of Dothan. The dry, rocky landscape was dotted with pits dug to store precious rainwater. […]

My High Anxiety

Why do I attempt to accomplish so much every day? I’ve got a law practice, a busy rabbinate, non-profit work and I study Talmud each day. Perhaps the answer is […]

Children are on the Road

Covid kept many sequestered at home for months.  Others packed up their cars and hit the road.  Some were escaping challenges while some were searching for new opportunities.  As my […]

The Dangers of Jealousy

It is easy to become jealous while scrolling through social media. You might feel worse about yourself after scrolling through Facebook or Twitter. Vacation photos, wedding shoots, grandchild announcements – […]