Crossing from Georgia into Alabama on I-75, our group of rabbis entered the first rest stop. A large carved stone reads: “Alabama We Dare Defend Our Rights.” Alabaman’s defense of rights? Whose rights are these Alabamans daring to defend?  Is it the rights of its African American citizens? Or the state’s right to make laws that discriminate as each state sees fit?  The statement as displayed dares us to explore what rights are important to Alabama. Withhold judgment until you learn more.

For example, the issue of mass incarceration is on my mind. Alabama’s prisons are filled with African American inmates. Blacks are incarcerated at twice the rate of whites. My inclination is to condemn criminals for their behavior. But the statistics in Alabama make me question my judgment. Are all the people incarcerated contemptible? Such judgment fails to consider the circumstances that led to incarceration or the humanity of each imprisoned person. While Blacks are 25% of the state population, Black prisoners represent 50% of the total prison population. Is that attributable to an unfair legal system, perhaps? Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative says that “no one deserves to be judged solely by their worst moments and greatest failings.” My presumptions about the character of Alabama prisoners must be challenged.

Does the same approach to judging people by their greatest failings apply to others in Alabama? This question will come up when we meet Jewish Alabamans who refrain from the struggle for civil rights. Will I judge them solely by their moral failings? Spoiler alert, we met lovely Jews in Alabama who were apathetic or unmoved by the Civil Rights movement.

Perhaps the key to a civil rights mission to Alabama is to set judgment aside. Like Jello, there’s always room for judgment. But to gain understanding and wisdom, judgment should come at the conclusion of fact-finding, and deep listening to the concerns and perceptions of each person. My intention is to listen before I offer judgment.

We drive out of the rest stop and pass a ball field where a group is playing soccer. How similar this scene is to one I might see in Montgomery County, Maryland. I see children enjoying life despite the mess their ancestors have made of this world. They deserve a world where we are curious and concerned before we offer judgment.

Rabbi Evan Krame



Yom Kippur teaches us the process of teshuvah. One element of our repentance is reconciliation. More than making amends for past wrongs, reconciliation demands education, understanding, and caring in the formation of a relationship based upon shared values. In 5782, I began a journey of discovering how we need reconciliation on a national level and how we Jews are uniquely qualified to lead the way.

I had not attended an in-person conference in the two years since the beginning of 2020.  When I heard that Reconstructing Judaism would be meeting in a hotel in Northern Virginia, I registered. While I am not affiliated with that branch of Judaism, I hope to see friends who would be attending.

In an entrance foyer of the conference center at the hotel stood a large display. On the boards were the details of a resolution and supporting facts, graphs, and pictures. The resolution was a key program for the group. They called for reparations to be paid to African Americans.

I was confused. In my mind, this was a “Jewish conference.” While I might agree or disagree with the statement on reparations, I wanted to be inspired by some Yiddishkeit, some Torah, something Jewish. Moreover, I had not yet come to an educated understanding of the issue of reparations in America.

I was supportive of reparations for Holocaust survivors. I had not given much consideration to reparations for African Americans or Indigenous peoples.  Was Jewish victimhood at the hands of Nazi Germany deserving of reparations but not African American torment or Native American suffering?

Six months later I was in Germany. We were visiting the town of Walldorf, just south of Heidelberg. Our friend Jim Klein was invited, together with family and friends, to a weekend of activities honoring the memory of his father, Kurt Klein, z”l.  Kurt Klein was born in Walldorf. He left Germany in 1937. His parents hoped to follow their children to the United States. After the war began, the Kleins were deported to Vichy France. The visas they desperately sought were approved but only after they had been deported again and killed in Auschwitz.

The visit with the people of Walldorf was more interesting and uplifting than I anticipated. We attended presentations on the history of Jews living in the town. There was a discussion about confronting history. We visited the small local Jewish cemetery where generations of the Klein family were buried. There was a presentation of a musical piece crafted around a poem written by Kurt Klein.

The Germans have a lot to teach us about the methodology and meaning of reconciling with the past. Most of the people we met were not alive during World War II. A very few were alive then, like Jim’s cousin who survived the war in n Germany and remained ever since. “Germans” include tens of thousands of Jews who live in Germany and affiliate with the Jewish Community. There are estimates of two hundred thousand more Jews mainly from formerly eastern bloc countries living in Germany but not registered as Jews. Absent reconciliation, would Jews feel comfortable making Germany their home?

Remembering and reconciling is evident all over Germany. In front of houses where Jews were deported you find brass shtepplesteins, brass plates stating the names of the family members deported or murdered, and the dates and the place they were sent.

In the medieval town of Worms, on the Rhine River, there is a huge Roman Catholic cathedral. I was not much interested in visiting a Church, but Jodi beckoned us inside.  Adjacent to the altar near the front, we saw large panels with historical essays, pictures, and graphs, like the panels I saw at the Reconstructing Judaism conference.  The panels described the history of Jews in the Rhineland – a history marred by marauding crusaders and black plague and Nazism. The panels were next to the confessional booths.  Any Catholic coming to confession would have to see the panels. If local Catholics did not have any current sins to ponder, they could always atone for the Jews who were tortured or died at the hands of their ancestors.

German reconciliation isn’t all stones and storyboards. In Berlin, we saw groups of German school children visiting the Museum of Terror and Holocaust sites. We attended a klezmer concert in the Lutheran Church of Worms. In the town of Mainz, a new synagogue of the most inspiring design was built near the center of town. The funding came from the government. The façade of the building spells out the word Kedusha in Hebrew. This New Synagogue of Mainz, in use since 2010 as a community center, was built at the location of the former main synagogue on the Hindenburgstraße of Mainz. Due to controversial discussions regarding the street name, Hindenburg being the name of the President of the Weimar Republic who invited Hitler to form a government, the location in the Hindenburgstraße was renamed Synagogenplatz (Synagogue square).

Since 1952 Germany has been paying reparations to Holocaust survivors. In September 2022, Germany agreed to a new reparations package of $1.2 B for the world’s remaining Jewish Holocaust survivors, which included $12M in emergency funds for the approximately 8,500 survivors remaining in Ukraine. Eighty percent of the many survivors in Eastern Europe live at or near the poverty level.

Gideon Taylor, president of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims said that “seventy years later, we still stand in the shadow of the six million murdered Jews. Their suffering still haunts the Jewish people and the German people.” Germany has embraced their historic responsibility. The desire for reconciliation is strongest among 30- and 40-year-old Germans who were not alive during World War Two and might not even have a parent who was alive then.

German reparations are the only instance in history of a defeated power paying reparations to individuals. Yet, initially, these payments were controversial, especially in Israel. Some survivors in Israel refused the money and said that amends could not be made. The conversation has since shifted.  For many survivors the biggest concern is not financial aid but how will the world remember? Specifically, what is the moral message we want to convey?

The Germans understand the concern of teaching the world a lesson in morality. Education has now become a part of the reparations package. Some of the $1.2 Billion will be used for holocaust education.

Even here in the USA, there is a need for Holocaust education. Two-thirds of young Americans are unaware of the Holocaust and a quarter believes the Holocaust was a myth. Protecting all minority groups, ethnic groups, or religious groups will only happen if future generations are educated about the horrors of the past.

During these High Holidays, we focus on repentance, forgiveness, and atonement. We spend these days repenting our errors and seeking forgiveness AND we restore what we have damaged or taken from another person. Reparations is part of Teshuva. From the process of repentance and forgiveness, we not only change our actions, but we also transform ourselves and the world.

Teshuva is an ongoing process. Germany did not stand idly by Jews in danger in Ukraine. Germany increased reparations to include emergency aid for Ukraine’s Jewish survivors. Through a reconciliation process, Germans are demonstrating real atonement, complete with reparations.

Different than forgiveness, reconciliation allows for a relationship to be established and maintained.  In fact, reconciliation can occur without forgiveness.  The peaceful pathway forward is paved with humility and intentionality. In this sense, reconciliation serves as an example for future generations. The burden is on the perpetrator. The victim might never come to grips with the harm. Reconciliation demands nothing of the victim more than taking care of their own mental and spiritual health.

Reconciliation is not just between the “perpetrator and the victim”.  There is a role for all of us, the next generations, as “allies”.  Like young Germans in their 30s and 40s, Allies support the re-establishment of relationships. Allies reinforce the shared values among wrongdoers and those who were wronged. The allies are families, communities, and nations and their descendants.

The work of allies is not about rebuke or public shaming. The process of reconciliation operates when we recognize that something bad has occurred without presuming that the person who caused harm is themselves entirely bad. Nor are their descendants entirely bad.

The process of reconciliation is more complex in the United States. Along with the layers of oppression of Indigenous people and African Americans, many Americans today have adopted a victim mentality.  Some believe that the current power structure doesn’t work for their interests and instead caters to the desires of other groups. Somehow, in an age where the country can’t seem to agree on anything, most everyone seems to agree that they are being ignored or exploited. Rich people are being overtaxed, poor people are underserved, African Americans are oppressed by institutional racism, and some whites are threatened by critical race theory. The Christian majority is in fear of becoming a minority and the Jews, well the Jews are perpetually in a state of victimhood. The danger is that victimhood becomes a roadblock to relationships. This country knows how to come together for the greater good, as we did during the second world war. But today, with the attachment to victimhood, we have lost the spirit of an American community.

Given what is taking place in our own country – the social rifts, the political divides, and a great deal of victimhood, we are in desperate need of reconciliation. No one acknowledges responsibility for any wrongs that have occurred. You might believe that your political party is best for America while the other party destroys our country.  You might say that my immigrant family had nothing to do with disenfranchising indigenous people or enslaving Africans so why should I support reparations? We can hold fast to those beliefs that exculpate us from responsibility.  In so doing, we may also be responsible for the unraveling of this nation.

If you attended a University like Georgetown or Harvard Law School or visited the Capitol or White House or Boston’s Faneuil Hall, you benefitted from the work of slaves. If you live almost anywhere in the United States, you likely live on land that once was home to indigenous people. Yes, your great-grandparents may have been in Ukraine when these structures went up. But if any people can appreciate the sacred legacy of a building or a land, it is the Jewish people. We still pray at the last standing wall of a Temple destroyed two thousand years ago in Jerusalem.

There is one more example of the legacy of pain unresolved. Rabbi Tirzah Firestone has written Wounds into Wisdom. She describes how the lasting effects of individual trauma have consequences for families and even entire ethnic groups. New research in neuroscience and clinical psychology demonstrates that even when they are hidden, trauma histories—from persecution and deportation to the horrors of the Holocaust—leave imprints on the minds and bodies of future generations. Rabbi Firestone writes that trauma legacies can be transformed and healed. That process includes reconciliation – seeing the humanity in each other, finding common values, and again establishing relationships.

The Jewish people practice repentance each year. We are experts in the art of reconciliation. We understand the moral imperative of reparations. Can we, you be deployed to show a way forward, here in the USA?

I am NOT advocating for or against reparations. I only mean to state that reparations may be a component of as part of the process of reconciliation. First, there must be a consensus that wrongs have been committed. America requires education and reminders. The Rockville slave quarters of Josiah Henson are now a museum facing busy Old Georgetown Road. It stands as a testament to the degradation of African Americans, unlike the Air BnB listing for the Panther Burn Cottage that proudly advertised: The property was an “1830s slave cabin” that housed enslaved people at a plantation in Greenville, Miss. removed in August.

Can we find ways to establish civil relationships among factions, parties, and communication between faith groups and minority communities? We must overcome the attachment to victimhood that mires us in disagreement and conflict. The hope of this country, the future for our children and their children, demands that we break the logjam of every person holding their victimhood precious while failing to build relationships.

Through my personal journey in 2022, I have begun to understand how reparations were part of Germany’s reconciliation with survivors of the Shoah. Given the time and complexity of the issue, reparations might not be a part of the process of reconciliation in America. However, the crucial work begins now and continues for generations, for those who were not directly responsible for slavery or eradicating indigenous peoples. The task begins with an understanding that the harm caused to others, even in generations past, is cancer that must be extracted from society. All of us benefit if we heal can heal America.

We practice repentance in our personal lives. And we have a bigger task ahead of us. Americans must engage in reconciliation for the sake of our nation.

I have undertaken to help the Scotland AME Zion church rebuild after it was left unusable from a flood in 2019. The project is not merely about a building. The project is about educating this community that many of us live on land that was owned and farmed by African Americans, who were enslaved and continued to be oppressed.

May the coming year be one in which we transcend our differences, emphasize our shared values, and establish meaningful relationships. May 5783 be the year when Americans use words to heal and not wound when the swords of victimhood are turned into the plowshares of reconciliations, when this nation shall not lift up swords against neighbors and when instead of disagreement, we learn from each other once more.

Rabbi Evan J. Krame

If a fascist were to be elected President, would you move to another country? If so, what country would that be? For Jews, the safe choice is assumed to be Israel.

Jews around the world are answering similar existential questions. 17,000 Ukrainians and Russians arrived in Israel from February to May of 2022. Thousands more are expected. Ukrainians want to escape the bombs and Russians anticipate the repercussions of Putin’s war. But Jews from Slavic nations are not alone. 9,000 more Jews made Aliyah from France, Argentina, and other countries in 2022. Their primary motivation was dangerous social and economic conditions. The total number of “olim” (those who go up to Israel) is far outpacing the prior year.

Rescuing Jews is a great mitzvah as Torah teaches. The donations we make to the Jewish Federation have always been used to assist the Jewish Agency. The Jewish Agency in turn helps “olim” to make Aliyah. If you are a donor, your gift to the Federation checks off that mitzva

If I felt imperiled, I too would consider moving to another country. That decision would include many factors. Do I have to learn a new language? Would I be able to make a living? Is the new country stable? Does it have adequate healthcare and a democratic government? Can my entire family emigrate together?

Israel provides an excellent choice. Most Israelis know English and signage in English is everywhere. The economy is thriving. Israel has good health care. The government may seem byzantine, yet it remains democratic.

On the flip side, the country has many problems. Enemies near and far threaten to eliminate Israel. Internally, there are deep divisions. To be blunt, the secular Jews are wary of the Orthodox and the Orthodox don’t have great respect for the secular. There are religious Zionists, political, practical, and cultural Zionists, and, of course, anti-Zionists. Large ethnic groups like the Sephardi and the Mizrachi feel second class to the white Ashkenazi. About 25 % of the population is not Jewish, generally Muslim, or Christian. Some of these are Druze, Armenian, Maronite, and Bedouin. 17% are from the Former Soviet Union States and are referred to as the “expanded Jewish population.” Many of the FSU citizens identify as Jewish. The Orthodox Jewish authorities have marked many with an asterisk for having a Jewish father but not a Jewish mother or for marrying a Christian or Muslim before arrival.

With all its mishigas and tsuris (Yiddish for craziness and troubles), Israel is a dubious choice as a refuge. Israel’s deep challenges might make it an imprudent choice. Of course, Israelis might think me insane for considering any other nation. Israeli Zionists of various stripes believe that all American Jews should already be making Aliyah.

Alternatively, you might believe that idyllic New Zealand is the refuge of choice. An English-speaking nation, you can never starve in New Zealand . . . if you eat lamb. But New Zealand is not a Jewish State. While committed to multi-culturalism, pervasive tensions between Maori natives, white Europeans, and Asian newcomers rile the status quo. How Jewish arrivals would be treated is a lingering liability that has previously plagued Jews.

Most Jews have lived in the diaspora since the second century. There may always be a Jewish diaspora. Israel has been a Jewish state for only seventy-five years. The mezuzah on the door at Ben Gurion Airport beckons us to enter.

From history’s perspective, support for Israel maintains a haven for Jews. History’s lesson is that Jews need refuge from time to time. I have no plans to emigrate from Maryland, but with every visit to Israel, I am scoping out a second-choice home.

Rabbi Evan J. Krame



Many Israelis and Palestinians are no longer looking for grand solutions to existential problems. Yet, the lack of a “peace process” does not mean that efforts toward peace have been abandoned. Across Israel conversations in more intimate settings are setting the cornerstones of coexistence.

Our group heard from Nazier Margally, a Palestinian journalist who shared his wisdom about the prospects for peace. Nazier harbored no immediate hope that the Palestinian dream of autonomy might be realized. Yet, Nazier declared that he would no longer act from a place of anger. Anger would not bring about the needed changes. And he has much to be angry about. He described to us that a relative had recently died but Israeli regulations would not permit his travel to the funeral. Similarly, he could freely visit relatives in other countries, as his family was split in 1948. With expectations diminished, Nazier focuses on the smaller conversations between Palestinians and Israelis to build confidence and trust.

We met with Avi Meyerstein, a Maryland-born attorney and activist, who advocates for dialogue and cooperation. Avi’s organization, Alliance for Middle East Peace, underscores the need for discourse. For Avi, the small conversations will bring bigger gains.

We visited Beit Feel, a multi-cultural arts center in Jerusalem serving everyone, including East Jerusalem Palestinians and black-hatted Haredim alike! Here the avant-garde are those using the arts in a shared space to find commonalities among people who have been in conflict. The displays, receptions, and programs open the way to dialogue and cooperation.

We spent time with the leaders of Ramle, a mixed city of Muslims and Jews. For several years, a mediation center has encouraged ongoing dialogue between representatives of various sub-groups in the city. The program has reaped great rewards. When violent riots erupted in neighboring Lod in May, 2021, Ramle remained relatively quiet. The spirit of cooperation enabled the local leadership to sustain calm. Road access to potential outside agitators was blocked. City leaders walked the streets together bringing composure in a turbulent time. The key had been years of preparation by building trust through dialogue among the local stakeholders.

We have become accustomed to grand gestures for peace in the Middle East. Such efforts are on ice. When talking about the prospects for peaceful coexistence, the current hope should not be for a great resolution. Rather, the current situation demands that we strive for just okay. Israel poses a challenge in “enoughness” for us. Rather than focus on complete solutions, let’s just have a respectful dialogue to create important connections.

A universal truth was being realized in hotel lobbies, art spaces, and conference rooms we visited. Creating a better future begins with small conversations. Our first and perhaps most important task is to take interest in others, even those whose opinions directly conflict with ours. The very act of listening and expressing appreciation relieves tensions and paves the way to improve if not preserve lives. Perhaps we can bring some of that wisdom home to the United States where shouting and accusing have supplanted personal engagement among people of differing views.

Rabbi Evan J. Krame



Lod is an ancient city with modern problems. Lod was first known to Americans as the location of the main airport. An important perspective of modern Israel is found in Lod, its history and histrionics. Two such perspectives were shared by two very different women.

Lod is mentioned in the Talmud. Lod occupies a strategic point between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. It gained notoriety for Ben Gurion’s order in 1948 to push the Arab residents of Lod out of the way. Modern historians have recast a dark light on the reckless expulsion of the Arab population. A few Arabs remained, a few returned, and diverse other groups moved into Lod. Lod is not an economically healthy city. Many groups have come and gone over the decades since.

Our group first met the founder of Omnia, dressed in more traditional draping, hair, and neck covered in black. Omnia is a direct Quranic name that means “wish” or “hope.” The group provides support for the Arab women of Lod.  Many live in poverty or are allowed limited access to the world by their husbands. Others are academics who wanted the support of other women who both work and raise families. We enjoyed a presentation on the Omnia’s impact on the culture and economy of the community. As a respectful observer, I asked no questions about women’s roles in Arab society or the reticence of some Arabs to participate more fully in the Israeli economy. I, and others in the group, saved our skepticism for our Jewish speaker.

We arrived at the Denver community center in Lod, which by its very name lets you know something about the origin of its American donors.  Two women warmly greeted us.  Their dress was fashionable yet modest. They represented Garin Torani (Hebrew: גרעין תורני)(lit. Torah Nucleus), a group of religious Zionist individuals and families who settled in communities with a low religious Jewish population. They aim to strengthen the community’s connection to religious Judaism, promote integration (of religious and non-religious Jews), and bring about social change. Sadly, difficult prejudices are associated with the work of the Garin Torani.

Cleaning up and rebuilding the central Israeli city of Lod after last weeks riots. May 19, 2021. Photo by Yossi Aloni/Flash90

Our discussion focused on the riots in Lod in 2021. At the time, Israel’s “lockdown” of the al-Aqsa mosque had infuriated the Muslim leadership. The speaker declared that the peaceful coexistence of Arabs and Jews in Lod was disturbed as the Muslim leadership pushed the populace to riot. Five days of riots left two dead, one Jew and one Muslim, and some destruction in the city.

The Garin Torani have used the saga of Lod as a cautionary tale against the Israeli Arabs of Israel. Stories have spread of separate times for Arabs and Jews visiting parks and separate sections of community centers. Our speaker professed devotion to helping all people. Yet, these stories spoke to a different, troubling narrative.

Like the blind men touching different parts of an elephant, I have only presented specific stories of two residents of Lod. There are 80,000 other such stories – Muslim and Jewish, Yemeni, Ethiopian, and Ashkenazi. Only by visiting Israel can we attempt to feel our way around the entire elephant. I am grateful to the Jewish Federation of Washington for providing me with this opportunity to begin to fathom the depth of these complex issues.

Rabbi Evan J. Krame

I felt special, privileged, and honored, to meet someone whose life story was noted by Hollywood. I met a man named Takele Mekonen whose life story is worthy of a feature film.

Takele is a slim, energetic man. His sharp facial features frame electric eyes powered by a passionate soul. He was born in Ethiopia. There the Jewish community prayed each day that next year they would be in Jerusalem.

As a child, Takele loved learning. Takele’s grandfather, a rabbi, taught him Judaism. Takele most enjoyed math and science in school. Anti-Jewish sentiment and civil war in Ethiopia compelled Takele and nineteen classmates to trek to Sudan in a quest to reach Jerusalem.

Over 31 days, they walked to a refugee camp in Sudan. There they found hell – disease, hunger, and despair.  In neighboring camps, they searched for other Jews on Shabbat to see who might be sitting in a tent without a fire.  There was chatter about Mosaad agents coming from Israel.  After a month, an Israeli Mosaad agent came up with a plan to free these Jews. Takele said that it was like meeting an angel, a bit of Jerusalem had arrived. He was given the task of retrieving other Ethiopian Jews. He gathered people in the camps and guided them to a meeting place. Along the way, they were beaten and harassed. After 20 trips, Takele directed 900 Jews who went to Jerusalem. Eventually, the Sudanese police were looking for Takele and he left for Israel. Takele was finally home.

For Takele, Israel is freedom. His face lights up as he declares over and over how much he loves Israel. Bringing people to Israel was his honor and only the beginning of his journey. After obtaining an advanced degree in optics, he worked for eleven years in the tech industry. Now he is spearheading an advanced educational program for Ethiopians in Israel called Tech Careers.

What about that movie?  In 2019 the movie Red Sea Diving Resort featured a storyline about an Ethiopian man who made great efforts to guide Jews to an embarkment place for their journey home. That character is based on Takele’s story.  What was special about our meeting? To drink in the commitment, appreciation, and joy of this courageous man. Takele loves Israel and I love Israel because of inspiring Israelis like Takele.

So grateful to the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington for allowing this group of nine rabbis to be in the presence of such a tzaddik!

Rabbi Evan J. Krame

Today’s goal was to unravel the knotty mess that is Israel. That goal is utterly unrealistic. In Jamaica, they say “Ya Mon”. In Costa Rica, they say “Pura Vida.”  In Israel, they say “it’s complicated.”

We began our day exploring the Israeli response to the Russian war against Ukraine. To keep abreast of the needs of Jews in Ukraine, there is a situation room at the Joint Distribution Committee Headquarters in Jerusalem. We visited and spoke with staff and volunteers. In a glass conference room, there are three large screens, one with data about the progress of the war, the second providing the location of Jewish communities, and the third offering data about available services. This command center is a marvel of technology and determination.

The Joint provides direct services. In-home attendant care for the elderly, food cards or parcels where food is scarce, medical supplies, and even safe passage for those who need to flee their homes. Just before the war, 18 chesed houses in Ukraine began to stock up on food, water, and medical supplies. As bombs were falling, 70% of the in-home caregivers showed up. Many are walking long distances as public transportation had stopped in many cities.

Meanwhile, the Jewish Agency has helped over 17,000 Ukrainians with Jewish “lineage” to make Aliyah. Some non-jews have come to Israel, primarily on a temporary basis. We spoke with a father and son of a Ukrainian family who left for Romania as the war began. The mother was Jewish by birth but had been given up for adoption.  Her birth mother had come from Israel and gave proof to the family’s Jewish lineage. Perhaps for the first time in history, it paid to be identified as Jewish in Ukraine.

Agency representatives and associates talked about the many needs. Transportation, hotel rooms, food, and clothing were provided.  Some families left with nearly no possessions. And the Agency also provides psychological and spiritual care. A young Russian Jewish woman studying to become a Rabbi in Israel told us of her conversations with Ukrainian refugees. Some turned to her for solace. Others rejected her because identified as Russian. Even providing spiritual care is problematic.

Our gifts to the Federation’s campaign for Ukraine are primarily funding the Joint and the Jewish Agency’s efforts. Visiting with refugees proved the impact of our gifts. I was filled with emotion to embrace a 17-year-old young Ukrainian man, with little prior knowledge of Judaism, now wearing a kippah and planning his future as an Israeli.

And all that was before lunch. We hardly had time to discuss the impact of welcoming tens of thousands of Ukrainians as Israel confronts a housing shortage. Or to discuss how carefully Israel must tread so as not to upset the Russian sponsors of neighboring Syria. And the war in Ukraine is not the only source of refugees at this time.

I heard some amazing stories about Ethiopian refugees, which I will share in my next report.

Rabbi Evan J. Krame

Thank you to Gil Preuss, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington for your leadership.

Where else can I be six thousand miles from my house and yet be home? Stepping out of Ben Gurion Airport in Israel feels like coming home. The feeling lasts through the tedious arrival process and traffic to Jerusalem. Here I’m both happy and guilt-ridden . . . just like home.

Traveling with eight rabbis, we came to learn about the refugees coming to Israel. We will also explore the internal conflicts between Israelis, Arab and Jewish. This is a tall order for just three- and one-half days.

We began with dinner at our hotel and a discussion of Israeli political theory. Both were amazing. Our guest speaker described different currents of thought, from early Zionist proto-nationalism to multi-culturalism to individual rights advocacy. This presentation was a doorway to the Israeli house in which I feel so comfortable. The mezuzah on this doorway is my affinity to all children of Israel. Yet, I am a progressive, Ashkenazi Jew differing in dress and customs from many other Jewish groups. And I am also deeply concerned for all people who are also created by God. I am here to learn how to align myself within an ethnic sub-grouping, to advance rights and opportunities for all people. That’s a tall order.

Why does this matter? It matters if you prioritize one group over another, let’s say admitting Ukrainian Jewish refugees to Israel over Ukranian not Jewish refugees.  Or if you prioritize Ukrainian refugees over Ethiopian refugees. You make choices based upon your approach to your Jewish identity as a political construct.

And why was I feeling guilt? Because I was enjoying the most delicious dinner in a beautiful courtyard at a wonderful hotel in Jerusalem. I tell myself it’s a Jewish thing. We celebrate a wedding and we break a glass. I gobble down salatim (salads), scarf down a delicious sea bream, and then eagerly await the meat course. While listening to the speaker, I have to figure out how to get a scoop of the mushroom casserole from across the table.  In the next moment, I’m pondering how my Jewish political identity impacts the plight of refugees desperate for safety and freedom. Sometimes it is difficult to live in my brain but I tell myself that many of you are just as complicated as I am. And I never got to taste the mushroom dish.

But please, tell me more about the Israeli political scene and pass the chicken.  It feels like home.

Rabbi Evan J. Krame

(And thank you to the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington for making this trip possible).


Makes at least 12 cups

The broth and stock can be refrigerated for up to 3 days, or frozen for up to 6 months.

For the option, make sure the rotisserie chicken you use is Peruvian style, because that typically means it has been marinated and spit-roasted over fire—essential flavor enhancers for this recipe. I prefer birds from El Pollo Rico, a DMV chain with locations in Arlington, Woodbridge, and Wheaton.


Rimmed baking sheet (15 x 18); wire rack that fits inside or atop the baking sheet (not coated); 13-quart stock pot; 3-quart saucepan (for chicken stock option); small skillet (for toasting coriander seeds); chef’s knife; tongs; fine-mesh strainer; cheesecloth; soup ladle; large and small heatproof containers


For the roasted vegetable broth

2 small onions

3 celery ribs

3 parsnips

2 carrots

1 fennel bulb with stalks

1 head of garlic

1 small piece fresh turmeric (small thumb-size)

1 leek (white + light green parts)


1 tablespoon coriander seeds

1 Fuji or Gala apple

1 large bunch of fresh dill

1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns

1 bay leaf, preferably fresh

For the chicken stock option

1 whole Peruvian rotisserie chicken (see headnote)


1 bay leaf, preferably fresh

1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns


For the roasted vegetable broth: Line your baking sheet with foil, then seat the wire rack inside it. Heat the oven to 400 degrees F.

As you prep the following ingredients, arrange them on the wire rack. Some vegetable overlap is okay:

Peel the onions and reserve their skins for the pot; cut the onions into thick wedges.

Rinse and trim the celery and parsnips. Cut in half lengthwise, then into long chunks.

Rinse and trim the carrots. Cut in half lengthwise, then into long chunks.

Trim the fennel stalks, discarding the fronds. (You’ll roast the stalks, too.) Cut the fennel bulb into thick wedges.

Cut the head of garlic, the turmeric, and the leek in half horizontally. Rinse the leek well to remove any grit.

Transfer the filled rack (on its baking sheet) to the oven; roast for 25 minutes, turning it front to back halfway through. Some pieces should be lightly charred. If not, roast them a bit longer.

Meanwhile, fill your stockpot with 14 cups of water and place over medium heat. Toast the coriander seeds in your small skillet, over medium-low heat, for a few minutes until fragrant. Gather them on a cutting board; use the flat side of a chef’s knife to lightly crush them.

Cut the apple into thick wedges, discarding the core and seeds. Trim off the bottom few inches of dill stems.

Use tongs to transfer all the roasted pieces to the stockpot. Add any reserved onion skins, the apple wedges, dill, toasted/crushed coriander seeds, black peppercorns, and bay leaf. Once the liquid is bubbling at the edges, reduce the heat to medium-low and cook for 30 minutes.

Line your fine-mesh strainer with cheesecloth (double layer) and place the strainer over your large heatproof container.

Use tongs to remove/discard all the pieces from the pot. Carefully ladle in or pour the broth through the lined strainer. Let the broth cool to lukewarm temperature before you store it.

For the chicken stock option: You can do this while the vegetables are roasting, or when the roasted vegetable broth is simmering. Remove the skin from your rotisserie chicken; discard OR, if you want to make oven-crisped gribenes (see below), lay the pieces of skin flat on the wire rack you just used to roast the vegetables.

Use your hands or a small sharp knife to detach as much cooked chicken as you can from the bones, leaving the breast pieces intact. (Refrigerate in a covered container until ready to use.)

Place all the bones in your 3-quart saucepan. Add just enough water to cover them, which should be 3 or 4 cups, plus the bay leaf and black peppercorns. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, skimming off any foam on the surface. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 25 minutes, checking occasionally to skim off again.

Use the same technique to strain the stock (see roasted vegetable broth, above), into a smaller heatproof container. Once it’s lukewarm, cover and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled and quite gelatinous. The yield should be at least 2 cups.

For the optional oven-roasted gribenes: Heat the oven to 375 degrees F. Line your baking sheet with new foil, then seat the wire rack with the chicken skin inside it. Roast for 10 to 15 minutes, watching closely, until most of the pieces are firm to the touch. Let cool, where they will continue to crisp up. Break or cut into pieces for serving.

BONUS! To finish as chicken soup:


6 to 8 cups of roasted vegetable broth (from above)

1 cup of chilled chicken stock (from above)

Sea salt

Fresh carrot slices

Bite-size chunks of skinned Peruvian chicken breast

Dried fine soup noodles OR cooked matzo balls

Fresh lemon juice

Fresh dill fronds, coarsely chopped

Oven-roasted gribenes (optional)

Heat the broth and chilled chicken stock in a large saucepan over medium-low heat. Once it has heated through, add a pinch of salt and the carrot slices. Cook for 2 minutes, then stir in the soup noodles and chunks of chicken, if using. Cook for 5 to 7 minutes, then taste and add enough lemon juice and/or more salt to brighten the flavors.

Just before serving, add the dill. Garnish each bowlful with some gribenes, if you like.

From Washington cook Bonnie S. Benwick.

Five Freedoms for a Fantastic Seder 2022:

Tips for a freer and more engaging seder


My earliest memories of Passover Seders are of my grandfather mumbling Hebrew. The only interruption was a child singing the “di fir kashes” (four questions in Yiddish). I don’t recall seeing my grandmother during the seder because she was in the kitchen almost the entire night.  Rather than the obligatory, rote, and uninspiring Passover of the 1960s, liberate your seder! Here are some tips for a freer and more engaging seder in 2022.

  1. The bowl of freedom. Here’s how to free grandma or other chefs from the kitchen. Write an activity related to serving the seder meal on a card or slip of paper. I like index cards. Put just one activity per index card. Create more cards than there are guests. The tasks written on the cards can be anything from serving the soup to putting desserts on the table. Then, find a large bowl or box to put on the table.  Place the cards inside.  Invite everyone to take one or two cards.  If it is a large table, pass the bowl around.  Ask everyone to read their newly selected tasks out loud and be prepared to help with the meal at the right time.  Everyone has an obligation to participate in the seder, so why not in the dining experience?
  2. The wine of freedom. No more sweet concord grape wine. Open your wine fridge to some great wines that even oenophiles will love. Try champagne for the first glass. Perhaps a dessert wine for the fourth glass.  Our family loves a kosher for Passover fig arak for the closer.
  3. The chair of freedom. Our modern tradition is to gather at a dining room table, crowded and often uncomfortable. One of the obligations of the seder is to lean to the left in a show of ease and comfort. However, leaning to the left on a pillow can be a logistical challenge in the dining room. So how about moving the first half of the seder to the living area? Kids can sit on the floor while otherwise cranky aunts and uncles cuddle on the couch. Just remember to cover any furniture that would be ruined by some spilled beverage.
  4. The story of freedom. The purpose of the Passover story extends beyond a historical exercise. It is a reminder that no people should be oppressed. So bring another story of oppression and freedom to your table. Offer that assignment in advance to one of your guests. For example, my Persian brother-in-law tells how he escaped from Iran. Or offer to tell the story of Harriett Tubman.  Then invite everyone to discuss how that story of freedom relates to our exodus from Egypt.
  5. The health of freedom. Staying healthy offers us the freedom to live our lives as we choose. Some are confined by illness. Others are released by medicine, therapy, or surgery. After two years of a pandemic, how does our concept of freedom relate to illness and health? Or discuss how our nation’s devotion to freedom has been challenged. Is a healthy democracy the key to true freedom? Exercise caution here as you don’t want politics to derail a great seder.

Figuring out how to gather again requires a little bit of thought. As we are freed up to invite family and friends to our seders, liberate your seder into a brave new world!

Rabbi Evan J. Krame